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Internal Business Processes of a Small and Medium Enterprise (SME)

What is Small and Medium Enterprise The research in this study examines the adaptation of internal business processes of a small and medium enterprise (SME) performing as a value link global SMEs A SME experiences unique challenges when strategically aligned within a SCM process (SMEiSCM). In spite of the growing importance of this phenomenon, surprisingly little […]

Comparative Analysis of Available Internet Security Systems

Comparative Analysis of Available Internet Security Systems

Introduction of Internet Security Systems In this age of rapidly growing usage of social networking sites, the importance of internet security systems has attracted the attention of policy makers and security gurus alike. One of the major technological developments stemming from Web 2.0 is the phenomenon of social networks (Squicciarini, Shehab, & Paci, 2009). Social […]

Brand Extension and its Impact on the Parental Brand

Background of the brand extension strategies Introducing a new product into the marketplace can be a risky and costly venture for companies. However, brand extension is not without risks. According to DeFanti and Goodman (2005), “there are only certain situations where an extension truly damages the parent” (p. 8). Further, it has been reported that as […]