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To write a thesis

To write a thesis

Thesis writing is considered to be very challenging task as it requires a lot of research work, sound writing skills and flawless research analytic skills to write thesis. At doctoral level, you must demonstrate all these prerequisites professionally and your phd thesis should reflect high quality professional work so your research may contribute to the body of the knowledge. This article is intended to offer thesis writing help for those who are not well aware of the thesis structure and format. 

To write a thesis there are many guidelines that may help students at the doctoral level. The purpose of this article is to highlight a few tips that may improve your writing skills helpful to write a thesis.

Prepare an outline to write a thesis

Before you start writing your thesis, it is better you prepare an outline of the whole thesis. This outline should include all the necessary headings and sub headings. The outline should begin with the chapter headings so you have clear idea how many chapter you would need to write for the thesis. Then break these headings down to each chapter explaining what each chapter will discuss in details. For example, if your thesis is on the impact of social media on education you may discuss the topics such as

The evaluation of technology-enhanced learning, web 2.0 concepts and technology for learning activities etc.  Also remember that the subheadings should relate to your chapter heading. Unlike a master level dissertation, the doctoral thesis may include several chapters discussing various topics at larger extent.

Structure to follow to write a thesis

At master level a dissertation or thesis may comprise of 5-6 chapters that include, introduction, literature review, mythology, findings and discussion and conclusions. However, at doctoral level your thesis may include the following chapter headings:

Copyright waiver

You should include a page in which you declare your copyrights. For this purpose, you should consult your supervisor to get advice what kind of copyrights you should reserve.


In this page you need to declare that this is your own research work and that no copy paste work is include and all the previous studies included in this work are properly referenced.

Title page

Every university may ask students what to include in this page. But, normally, it should include your thesis topic, your name, your institution name and the date of submission.


Writing an abstract for the phd thesis is mandatory and the whole concept of the thesis may be digested into a single page or two to give the readers a clear idea of the research work and the findings.


This page is reserved for you to acknowledge the contribution of all those who have been helpful in writing this thesis. These people may include your relatives, friends, colleagues, supervisors or any other you think should be acknowledged.

Table of contents

If you are expert in word processor then you would already know how to generate the table of contents automatically. For this purpose, you only need to select your headings and mark these as heading1, heading2, heading3 etc. and then from the references menu select table of contents to generate the table into your document.


This chapter should introduce the background of the thesis; highlight the aims and objectives of the research and the structure of the thesis. It may also include the significance of the study and the definition of the key terms.

Literature review

Writing a literature review is the largest part of the doctoral thesis and it may also include some other middle chapters to expand the research work and cover all the points of your research topic.

Materials and Methods

In this chapter you need to offer details of your data collection methods, research methodology and the research design. This chapter should explain your population selection and how you will analyze the data.

Results and discussion

After having collected and analyzed the data you need to discuss these results in this chapter and see if the findings are consistent with the previous studies or offer a new insight on the topic.

Conclusions and suggestions for further work

Finally, you should offer your own conclusions based on the review of the past studies and the data collected through your own research work. This chapter may also suggest the further work if you feel any limitations were encountered during your own work.

References (See also under literature review)

In this section, you need to proper cite all the studies you have mentioned in your work. This is called a reference or bibliography page or the works cited page depending on your citation style.  


All the tables, figures and any other material necessary as a reference should be include at the end of your thesis in the appendixes section.

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  1. […] you are required to write a dissertation, you need to understand how the dissertation is formatted and structured. This article highlights […]